5 Secrets of High Cucumber Yields: Every Summer Resident Should Know This

01.03.2023 12:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 09:49

Cucumbers are among those garden crops that are especially loved by summer residents.

Following the basic rules of plant care is a guarantee of obtaining a huge amount of tasty vegetables.

But what are the specific nuances that should be kept in mind when growing a popular crop?

Below are the main secrets of high cucumber yields.

The right place for landing

A shaded area is not suitable for cucumbers. Lack of sunlight has a negative effect on the plant.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But the scorching sun will also have a negative effect on garden crops.

The ideal place to plant cucumbers is partial shade. A good choice would be a place near a tree or between rows of corn.

Contents of the hole

When planting cucumbers in a hole, it is advisable to add a little rotted mullein.

In this case, the plant will receive many substances that are important for it already at the very first stage of its development.

Regular watering

Cucumber needs a lot of water. At first, it is advisable to water it twice a week. Up to 12 liters of liquid should be used for each square meter of the plot.

After the ovaries have formed, the plant should be watered even more often - once every two days.

Attracting pollinators

Pollination is an important process for cucumbers. It is desirable that insects appear on the plot, which will help to achieve the desired result.

Planting flowers next to the vegetable will be enough. If for some reason this does not work, then you can limit yourself to spraying the crop with sugar water.

The ideal "neighbor"

Cucumber bushes feel great if dill is planted next to them.

The proximity of the main garden crop to greens increases the chances of collecting a bountiful harvest of both the first and second plant.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. The right place for landing
  2. Contents of the hole
  3. Regular watering
  4. Attracting pollinators
  5. The ideal "neighbor"