You can grow a whole flowerbed from one tuber of this bright flower: no need to buy seedlings

25.02.2023 14:33

There are several ways to propagate your favorite variety of dahlias, but even one tuber is enough to get enough plants for a whole flowerbed.

Experienced flower growers use the simplest version of cuttings of "chichipatla", as the Mexican Indians called this flower.

This method of propagating dahlias by cutting increases resistance to diseases, accelerates growth and increases their size.

How to Propagate Dahlias

1. You will need one healthy flower tuber. It is placed in a container with soil so that the root collar remains on the surface.

The procedure is best carried out at the end of February or the beginning of March.

Photo: Pixabay

2. After planting, the pot is kept in a warm room for the first time (+22 …+24 °C). The soil is periodically moistened.

3. When the first shoots appear from the ground, the pot is moved to a cooler room (+18 …+20 °C). At the same time, the amount of watering is reduced and more light is provided.

4. Cuttings 8-12 cm high can be cut. They are immediately treated with "Kornevin" and planted in other pots.

5. The shoots need regular watering and plenty of sunlight. The first roots will appear in about 7-10 days.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor