The Money Tree Will Bloom Without Interruption: A “Shock” Trick for the Crassula

24.02.2023 15:26
Updated: 14.04.2023 07:18

They say that the mighty money tree is able to influence the financial situation of its owners for the better.

Some people think it's superstition, while others are sure that it's true. Everyone has their own opinion, but no one will argue that a strong and blooming fat woman is beautiful.

To achieve a great result when growing a money tree, you need to use one very effective trick. Some gardeners call it "shock".

Interesting fact: the fat woman can delight with its bloom for about 5 months in a row. However, there are not many such lucky flower growers.

How to make a money tree bloom

The plant needs two macroelements – potassium and phosphorus. Two ingredients will saturate the flower with them – eggshell and ash. Or you can simply use a complex mineral fertilizer.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But you also need to consider the age of the fat woman. On average, it begins to bloom when it reaches 10 years and is about 50 cm tall.

"Shock" feeding

If potassium and phosphorus are regularly added, the fat woman is of a respectable age, but there is still no flowering, it is time to move on to a secret trick.

To do this, in the autumn-winter period, the pot is placed in a room where the temperature is within the range of +8 … +10 °C.

A couple of weeks in such conditions - and from stress the fat woman will be covered with flowers. The main thing is that it has resources for the formation of flowers (phosphorus and potassium).

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. How to make a money tree bloom
  2. "Shock" feeding