Don't ruin your seedlings! Two mistakes that many gardeners make

23.02.2023 22:14

Even experienced gardeners and vegetable growers do not always succeed in growing good seedlings.

We will tell you about the two most common mistakes when growing seedlings that ruin them.

How not to ruin seedlings

The first mistake is the lack of additional lighting.

In the winter months, in March and the first ten days of April, when daylight hours are still short, you cannot do without additional lighting.

The second mistake that almost everyone makes is growing on a windowsill.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Most crops require a temperature of +25 degrees to germinate, and on a windowsill in spring, at best, +15 degrees.

Always place the seedlings in a warm place under lamps, and there will be no problems.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor