When choosing soil for seedlings, summer residents pay attention to the brand, composition and price, but sometimes they do not notice one little thing.
In such soil, seedlings often grow weak, feeble or even die. You can understand that it is better not to buy such soil even in the store.
No one has X-ray vision, so it is impossible to see what is in the package. Of course, you won't be allowed to open it in the store.
Experienced gardeners can identify bad soil without opening the package. Usually, bags look like flat "mattresses". Even if you start to tilt the bag, it will not lose its shape. Such soil is moist and loose. It absorbs moisture well and "hugs" tender roots.
Often, shapeless bags of soil are sold. If you open them, the soil will be dry and powdery. Dried pieces of soil will fall into the pot, which will not embrace the roots of the seedlings.
Such soil is very dry. Seedlings will not do well in such soil. Loose soil will not allow you to grow enviable seedlings.
The basis of the finished soil is peat. It retains moisture well. But when it is overdried, it is extremely difficult to soak it. Even after high-quality watering, the peat will remain dry inside.
Such soil greatly dehydrates seedlings, roots experience moisture deficiency and begin to wither. Accordingly, there is no talk of any strong and healthy seedlings.