How to Grow Twice as Many Potatoes: A Simple Secret That Isn't Usually Talked About

21.02.2023 05:50
Updated: 14.04.2023 04:56

There are many methods of growing potatoes. These include classic agricultural technology with hilling, planting under straw, planting in organic beds, and a combination of these methods.

Potato growers and ordinary amateurs constantly share the secrets of growing this vegetable. But one secret, the simplest one, is not usually talked about. Perhaps because it is obvious.

The easiest way to increase your harvest

If you believe the experts, regular and abundant watering of potatoes can increase the yield by 2 times or even more.

To grow 1 kg of tubers, you need 300-700 liters of water. Each potato consists of at least 70% water, and foliage at least 85%. With a lack of moisture, the plant slows down in growth, which leads to a decrease in yield. It is not without reason that in dry years, the potato yield falls, and with regular rains it increases. True, in this case, the plant is at risk of diseases, but with proper protection, diseases are eliminated.

Also, amateur gardeners forget that without water, the plant cannot absorb nutrients from the soil. Therefore, if you see that the potato is lagging behind in growth or looks "hungry", do not rush to grab another portion of fertilizers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It would be better to think about how to organize watering.

How to water

Potatoes need to be watered regularly and abundantly. The root zone should always have moist soil. 30-40 liters of water should be poured per 1 sq. m.

There are three watering options.

1. From a hose. Water from a hose is released into the furrows. This method is ineffective on an uneven field, as the lowland will be flooded, and the highland will remain dry.

2. Sprinkling. Allows you to evenly water the entire surface of the soil. But after sprinkling, the foliage remains wet, which increases the risk of diseases.

3. Drip irrigation. The most efficient and economical option. Moreover, it saves not only water, but also labor costs. The hoses need to be laid out once and “forgotten” for the whole summer.

A small bed can be watered from a watering can. Some gardeners also dig plastic bottles cut off at the top and perforated on the sides between the bushes. From them, water gets directly under the roots, and does not flow down the furrow.

Mulching helps to retain moisture in the soil. It works especially effectively in tandem with drip irrigation. You only need to mulch the hose from above.

Potatoes need the most moisture during the flowering period. When the lower leaves turn yellow, watering should be reduced, and water supply should be completely stopped 3-4 weeks before digging.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. The easiest way to increase your harvest
  2. How to water