Roses in mold: what to do if the bushes are affected by fungus after wintering

09.02.2023 16:43
Updated: 13.04.2023 23:26

Spring is just around the corner, and very soon the various shelters in which the flowers spent the winter will begin to disappear from the flower beds.

What unpleasant things can happen to roses over the winter? If the cover was made incorrectly or from film material, then anything can happen, including an infectious burn.

Here's what to do if you remove the cover and find moldy stems.

It's not a problem if the mold is white. You can often hear that in this case you need to open the flowers and leave them in the sun. It will disappear in 20-30 minutes.

Things could get worse from here.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Powdery mildew

But this will not happen if the rose grows in a well-drained area and in a sunny place. In this case, all affected shoots are cut off and burned.


It is not very common, but the causes of its formation, preventive measures, and the fight against the disease are the same as in the case of powdery mildew.


It is also called black spot, it reduces the plant's immunity, and the cause of infection can be last year's foliage. The fungus is controlled by treating it with a fungicide.

Stem cancer

This is the most dangerous disease, for which there is no treatment. Ulcers form on the shoots, through which bacteria penetrate. There are no varieties resistant to the disease. The only thing left to do is to uproot the bush and burn it.

The development of diseases can only be prevented by proper care. When constructing shelters for the winter, you should abandon film materials and use agrofibre. In the spring, it is important to ventilate the plantings until the weather allows you to completely remove the insulation.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Powdery mildew
  2. Rust
  3. Marsonina
  4. Stem cancer