How to Grow Zucchini Seedlings: Advice That Will Help You Get an Early and Rich Harvest

07.02.2023 14:46
Updated: 13.04.2023 22:10

Usually, zucchini seeds are planted in the ground, and this does not prevent you from harvesting a good crop of vegetables on time.

There is an option that will help you to collect an early harvest of heroic zucchini. To do this, you only need to plant seeds for seedlings, which can be transplanted into a greenhouse.

Let's figure out how to grow zucchini seedlings.


It is easier and more reliable to buy a ready-made soil mixture in the store. It does not need to be disinfected and all the "wishes" of the pumpkin family will be taken into account by the manufacturer. You can make it yourself by mixing peat, soil from the garden and sawdust (5:4:1).

Seed treatment

Before planting, the seeds are treated in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to plant them in separate containers so that you do not have to replant the seedlings again. Zucchini does not like this. Keep in mind that the seedlings develop large leaves, therefore, the diameter of the container should be from 10 centimeters.

Zucchini Flowers
Photo: © Belnovosti

After planting, the containers with seeds are kept in a room with an air temperature of 18-25 degrees Celsius. After that, the temperature is lowered (to +15-20), otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch.

The first feeding is carried out 10 days after the emergence of seedlings.

The second feeding before transplanting, if the leaves have turned pale or yellow. Foliar feeding is carried out with the preparations "Ideal", "Agricola" or analogues.


It is carried out when the soil warms up to 15 degrees Celsius. The ideal place is in a greenhouse or other shelters.

The seedlings are planted at a distance of 80 cm from each other.

Fertilizers are added only if the soil is not prepared. In other cases, organic additives are used - compost or rotted manure.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Priming
  2. Seed treatment
  3. Transfer