Effective ways to get rid of couch grass in the garden without using chemicals

04.02.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:24

Couch grass quickly spreads in garden plots if it is not controlled.

With its powerful roots, it takes over more and more territories, oppressing cultivated plants, which can have an extremely negative impact on the future harvest.

No one has ever succeeded in destroying it completely.

However, there are several effective ways to combat this weed.

Cardboard mulching of soil

You can use a cardboard sheet to rid your plot of couch grass. To do this, cover it with a whole cardboard sheet. Moisture will seep through it into the soil, but not light.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It will be useful for local animals, which will willingly process it into humus. To prevent the wind from blowing off the cardboard leaves, it is worth firmly pressing it to the ground with wooden stakes or a log.

Planting Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a useful plant that is used for medicinal purposes. It grows quickly, develops and has a high growth. Therefore, in the second year of life, couch grass does not grow on a plot with Jerusalem artichoke. And to make couch grass disappear on the entire plot, plant Jerusalem artichoke only in different corners.

Also, this plant fights well against such a weed as hogweed. It is very dangerous because it has negative properties.

Plant Jerusalem artichoke seeds in the thickets of this hogweed and it will soon disappear.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Cardboard mulching of soil
  2. Planting Jerusalem artichoke