What to do with lilacs after they have bloomed: next year will be even better

04.02.2023 02:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:24

Lilac has bright blooms and a rich, pleasant aroma.

However, to have an attractive bush, it is necessary to take good care of it.

We suggest you find out what measures need to be taken to decorate lilacs.

Removing inflorescences

Withered inflorescences that have lost their decorative effect must be removed.

This will allow the bush to direct all its energy to the process of forming flower buds for the next year.

Photo: Pixabay


Even faded lilacs need watering. Although the bush is drought-resistant, lack of moisture over a long period of time will negatively affect its condition and future flowering.

Excess moisture will also not benefit the plant, but can cause root rot and create favorable conditions for the development of diseases. Watering should be moderate. On average, it is carried out 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the weather. Stop watering lilacs at the end of summer.

Caring for the soil in the tree trunk circle

After watering the lilac, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove any weeds. When loosening, it is important not to damage the plant roots, which are located near the soil surface.

To retain moisture, control weeds and protect roots from overheating, it is recommended to mulch the surface of the soil. For this, you can use compost, straw or mown grass.

Top dressing

Faded lilac bushes are fed twice to ensure successful formation of flower buds.
The first time - immediately after the end of the flowering period, using phosphorus preparations. The second feeding should be done at the beginning of September. At this time, potassium fertilizers are used.


After flowering, it is necessary to prune the bushes. All diseased, damaged, old and deformed branches are subject to removal.

If you want to make the bush fluffier and more voluminous, then all the green stuff needs to be cut by a third of its length. It is also necessary to remove the existing shoots.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Removing inflorescences
  2. Watering
  3. Caring for the soil in the tree trunk circle
  4. Top dressing
  5. Trimming

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