Plums Don't Rotting Anymore: Take Note of These Simple Tips

28.01.2023 22:00

To obtain a sweet and large harvest of plums, you need to follow the rules of agricultural technology.

It is important to apply fertilizers on time, mulch the trunk circle and loosen the soil around the tree. Without this, the plant's root system will not be able to function normally.

In addition, at the beginning of spring it is necessary to prune the branches.

Dry, diseased and damaged shoots should be removed.

You also need to whitewash the plum tree trunk to protect the plant from fungi that can penetrate the bark.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Experienced gardeners also recommend carrying out preventive treatments with Bordeaux mixture.

But the procedure should be carried out before the buds open.

Summer residents note that it is also important to periodically clean up the garden. It is necessary to get rid of dry grass, fallen branches and fruits in which pests can hide.

If you follow these rules, you can forget about rotten fruits. The plum will please you with an excellent harvest.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor