Turquoise moss on fruit trees is a common occurrence, but many gardeners do not know how to react to it: to fight it or not.
Some gardeners believe that it is necessary to get rid of excess vegetation. They justify this by saying that moss supposedly feeds on tree sap.
In fact, this is not true. Turquoise moss can also be seen on a wooden fence, which confirms that it is harmless to trees. Therefore, moss does not need to be cleared from trees.
There is no harm from it, but there is benefit. In a way, it plays the role of a "fur coat", helping the plant to survive the cold easier. Protects from the scorching sun.
If turquoise moss appears on a tree or fence, then this is a reason for joy. It grows only in ecologically clean areas.
If you still want to remove the moss for aesthetic reasons, then spraying with a copper sulfate solution will help: a tablespoon per 10 liters of water.