When to sow pansies so that they bloom in the year of sowing: a trick from experienced gardeners

20.01.2023 20:02

Many inexperienced lovers of viola, which is better known as “pansies”, are convinced that flowers can only be seen in the second year after sowing.

However, the expert of the online publication Belnovosti, agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh assures that this is not so.

If you want to enjoy the flowering of the wild pansy in the first year, follow the following scheme.

To do this, the seeds should be placed in the ground very early, namely in the second ten days of February or at the beginning of March.

Phytolamps will help you achieve the desired result.

Photo: Pixabay

With additional lighting, pansies will begin to bloom 60-80 days after sowing – approximately in May-June – and will continue throughout the summer.

If the location for the flower bed is chosen correctly - without direct sun, the green bushes will go into winter, and with the arrival of the next spring they will bloom again.

Growing pansies from seeds by sowing in early spring is suitable for subsequent transplantation into open ground or containers placed on the balcony.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources