Sometimes it happens that tomato and pepper seedlings sown in January-February are so tall at the beginning of March that it is not clear whether to take them to the garden or not.
It also happens that the seedlings were fed, watered, stimulated, but they still fell sharply.
In fact, there is no need to be afraid to sow seedlings a few weeks later than your neighbors. What is the advantage of this? It saves time and effort, and the result will be much better.
The most important condition is that the growth rate depends on the temperature and sufficient light. The higher the temperature, the faster the seedlings will grow. More light means more vigorous development.
On a cold and dark windowsill, seedlings will look for light and stretch in the direction where it is lighter and warmer.
A piece of foam or board will help, which can be placed on the windowsill so that the soil below does not cool down and the roots of the seedlings feel comfortable.
If you sow seedlings in January-February, you must provide additional lighting for the seedlings or install light reflectors.
It's a completely different matter if you sow seedlings in March: more warmth and sun. At this time, the seedlings will develop more cheerfully. Not stretch out, but develop, which is important.