Why do currant leaves dry up and turn brown: for this reason the entire harvest will be destroyed

16.01.2023 16:30

In spring, summer residents can observe an unpleasant picture: currant leaves dry out and turn brown, while the affected area grows day by day.

At first after winter the bushes still grow without problems, but then the shoots begin to dry out.

It all starts at the top. Gradually the process gains momentum and signs of the disease appear on the bark: cracks and reddish fungal spores.

The shoots lose elasticity and become more brittle. The problem does not bypass young branches of the first year.

Currant leaves dry out and turn brown not because the spring or summer is too hot. The problem lies in the fungus that has affected the bushes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

There is only one solution to the problem in this case. And it cannot be ignored, otherwise the harvest will be lost first, and then the bushes may die.

There are many fungal diseases, all of which can be combated with fungicides, such as iron sulfate. They are used for prevention in the spring, so as not to wait until the plants get sick.

If signs of the disease are obvious, gardeners do not wait until the plantings die due to the fungus, but spray the bushes with fungicides.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor