Smart summer residents never buy soil for seedlings: here's how they prepare it themselves

14.01.2023 19:03

In late winter and throughout spring, one of the most popular items in garden stores is potting soil.

But not all summer residents rush to buy soil. Some of them know how to prepare soil no worse than store-bought.

In addition, there is not always confidence that you can buy high-quality soil. Sometimes you can buy a pig in a poke. For example, processed soil from industrial greenhouses often ends up on sale.

There are no nutrients in such soil, but there are pathogens. In order not to risk and not to waste money, cunning summer residents prepare the soil themselves.

So, experienced gardeners use soil from the garden. Soil from garlic or onion beds is especially valuable, since it is the most nutritious and fertile.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For varietal seeds, the soil is prepared from peat (50%), biohumus (20%), soil from your own plot (20%) and compost (10%). For hybrid planting material, take peat (40%), biohumus (30%), soil from the garden (20%) and compost (10%).

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor