Why gardeners are in no hurry to get rid of nettles on their plots: there are 5 reasons for this

11.01.2023 14:11
Updated: 13.04.2023 09:49

Nettle, despite its obvious health and agricultural benefits, grows quite quickly, and therefore gardeners desperately fight it. But not all.

The advantages of this weed growing on the plot are obvious and only inexperienced gardeners underestimate them. Let us tell you more.

Nettles in the garden are a sure sign that the soil on the plot is the most suitable for growing vegetables. This is one.

Secondly, it can be used as mulch; thirdly, nettle is suitable for making fertilizer; fourthly, it is a natural herbicide and pesticide; fifthly, it is a fertilizer for indoor plants.


In just one summer, nettle can produce up to 3 shoots after being mown. Such mulch will serve as a source of nutrients for cultivated plants, will protect the soil from overheating, moisture evaporation, will prevent weeds from growing and slugs, snails and aphids from multiplying. One bookmark is enough for a couple of weeks.

Photo: © Belnovosti


An excellent and simple option is to prepare nettle ash, which is saturated with at least 30 micronutrients, but does not contain chlorine.

1. Infusion. Used for garden and vegetable crops, as well as cultivated plants.

Infuse the plant that was cut before the seeds appeared on it. Place more than half of the grass in a container, you can pre-rinse with boiling water, then fill with warm water to the brim and cover with film. Infuse in the shade for 2 weeks, stirring once every three to four days.

2. Herbal mash. It is easy to prepare. Nettles need to be chopped, put in a barrel 2/3 full, add a couple of loaves of rye bread or two or three packs of dry yeast, and then pour in warm water. In 5-7 days the composition will be ready. 1 liter of concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Used for feeding tomatoes and strawberries.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Mulch
  2. Fertilizers