Is it possible to grow a potato crop from seeds: pros and cons of this method

04.01.2023 07:35
Updated: 13.04.2023 06:24

Theoretically, it is possible to grow potatoes from seeds. But is it worth all the difficulties with sowing seedlings, growing them and subsequent mandatory procedures, if you can simply bury the tubers in the ground?

Let's figure out what advantages and disadvantages this planting method has.

Potato Seeds: Pros and Cons

1. It is impossible to harvest a rich potato crop if you plant the same variety of tubers year after year. The reason is the degeneration of varietal characteristics. The solution may be to collect potato seeds of your favorite variety.

2. Usually all diseases – fungi and infections – are inherited through tubers. Accordingly, the yield from diseased material is zero. Sowing seeds allows you to solve this problem – they have higher immunity and resistance to weather changes.

3. In terms of savings, it is cheaper and easier to buy seed packets than several nets of seed potatoes. And storing them is even easier.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The only thing that mars the moments of joy is the labor-intensive process, and also such a moment as low germination of seeds collected in the garden independently. This forces you to sow with a reserve.

Potato harvest from seeds

It can be done using seedlings or without seedlings.

For the first and second cases, the seeds are pre-hardened for 3 days, soaked for 5-7 days, and sown already sprouted. The seeds are soaked not in water, but in a damp cloth.

When to start

It is better to do this at the end of March or the beginning of April. For sowing, it is more convenient to use a container with a depth of 10 cm. The seeds are buried in the ground by 1-1.5 cm, leaving up to 5 cm between plantings, after which the soil is moistened with a spray bottle, covered with film and left on the windowsill. Periodically moisten.

As for troubles, you need to be prepared for the appearance of rot and black leg. In addition, the seedlings themselves are very fragile.

Potato seedlings are fed with urea (10 g per 10 l of water at a temperature of 25 degrees); the solution is used for irrigation.
Potato seedlings are transplanted in the second half of May.

Holes for each bush are prepared to a depth of about 10 cm. 300 g of humus is placed on the bottom of each, and after planting, they are watered.

Further care is the same as for the most ordinary potatoes.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Potato Seeds: Pros and Cons
  2. Potato harvest from seeds
  3. When to start