Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers periodically collect pine cones.
The fact is that modified shoots of coniferous trees are a great summer cottage remedy.
Pine cones can be used as mulch.
In addition, such raw materials help improve drainage.
Pine cones have another unexpected property: they can protect plants from certain pests.
Let's look at each of these application options separately.
This raw material can be used to cover the soil in the garden and vegetable garden.
Pine cones are an excellent mulching material: they prevent the soil from drying out, but at the same time protect it from excess moisture.
In addition, the modified pine shoots prevent weeds from growing.
Another advantage of using pine cones as mulch is their beauty: such material will definitely not spoil the appearance of a country plot.
Pine cones can be used when planting blueberries and hydrangeas.
The material will help improve drainage.
The aroma of modified pine shoots is pleasing to humans, but extremely unpleasant to gastropods.
Want to protect potatoes, cabbage or any other crop from snails and slugs? Then create a barrier of pine cones!
Pests will start to avoid the protected area. And not only because of the smell, but also because of the thorny cones.