Tsybikova Emilia Viktorovna

19.03.2020 19:39
Updated: 18.09.2024 11:35

Tsybikova Emilia Viktorovna - chief physician of the Tibet clinic in Moscow, reflexologist, neurologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Expert of the online publication BelNovosti on medical issues.

Expert of the " Beauty and Health " section.

Graduated from the Kemerovo State Medical Institute.

After graduating from medical school, Emilia Viktorovna worked for many years in state medical institutions, mainly in the field of neurology.


Many years of medical experience led E. V. Tsybikova to an unambiguous conclusion.

Treatment of pain syndromes of a neurogenic nature, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system requires a wider range of means compared to medications and surgical interventions.

Reflexotherapy provided such an arsenal of means. To master these methods, Emilia Viktorovna completed a course of reflexotherapy at the Research Institute of Reflexotherapy in Moscow.

The first results of using acupuncture, acupressure and other methods of influencing bioactive points have already shown that the choice made was correct.

This prompted E. V. Tsybikova to continue her studies in oriental medicine.

She entered the Faculty of Tibetan Medicine at Ulaanbaatar State University (Mongolia), where she received a second higher medical education.

During her 4 years of study in Ulaanbaatar, Emilia Viktorovna mastered Tibetan herbal medicine and pulse diagnostics to perfection.

Having studied Tibetan and Old Mongolian, she began translating ancient medical treatises on Tibetan medicine.

The study of primary sources served as a treasure trove of invaluable information for E. V. Tsybikova about the possibilities of treating diseases with natural remedies.

Her teachers, mentors and scientific supervisors in this field were such luminaries of Tibetan medicine as Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Namral Tumurbaator, Director of the Institute of Traditional Medicine, Deputy Director of the Center of Mongolian Medicine in Ulaanbaatar, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Berzuregiin Dagvatseren, Academician, Doctor of Medical Sciences Tsendin Khaidav and others.

In order to improve her knowledge in traditional Chinese acupuncture, Emilia Viktorovna Tsybikova completed a 6-month internship at the Beijing National University (PRC).

After returning to her homeland, E. V. Tsybikova began to actively apply the knowledge she had gained in the treatment of pain syndromes, neurological and other diseases.

Particularly successful results were achieved in the treatment of intervertebral hernias without surgery. This brought Emilia Viktorovna a well-deserved reputation among colleagues and medical experts, as well as among patients.

She worked in St. Petersburg, where she was widely known as a unique specialist in spinal diseases.

In 2002, Emilia Viktorovna Tsybikova defended her PhD dissertation, after which she began to actively combine medical work with scientific and then teaching activities.

In 2007, after the opening of the Tibet clinic in Moscow, E. V. Tsybikova was invited to head it as one of the leading Russian specialists in the field of neurological diseases and treatment of the spine.

From March 2015 to October 2017, she headed the Department of Tibetan Medicine at the Institute of Oriental Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University).

Today, Emilia Viktorovna Tsybikova is one of the leading experts in the field of Tibetan medicine in Russia, a doctor with vast practical experience and the highest reputation.

Author: Ekaterina Hodan Internet resource editor

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