Inflation, unemployment rate. Belstat told what ordinary Belarusians are interested in

11.11.2024 09:31

First Deputy Head of the National Statistical Committee of Belarus Elena Kukharevich spoke about incomes and social stratification in the country.

According to her, in terms of the economy, ordinary Belarusians are more interested in macroeconomic indicators than in GDP.

Among the latter, the specialist noted, compatriots are particularly interested in information on inflation and unemployment in the republic.


Kukharevich did not rule out that experts from international organizations may be mistaken in their assessments when predicting the economic development of Belarus.

In terms of the same inflation, for example. The country's authorities, she emphasized, have taken all necessary measures to contain it, having had a significant impact on the corresponding situation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

We have reached 5.8% in 2023 from a double-digit inflation rate in 2022 (12.8%) – prices have practically stopped growing. We have achieved the set goal of a single-digit inflation rate, - the Belta agency quotes a Belstat representative as saying.

She drew attention to the fact that for the population the mentioned indicators are “more tangible.”

The specialist named “increasing income levels and purchasing power” as the key factors in this aspect.


The state pays great attention to improving the financial situation of its citizens, says an employee of the statistical agency.

The latter influences the fact that the country is experiencing a constant increase in the population’s income.

Thus, according to Kuharevich, over the past three decades the level of real monetary income has increased more than 10 times.

And if we compare it with America, then, she notes, the level of social stratification in Belarus is significantly lower.

Thus, in the republic the ratio of income of the 20% of the most affluent population exceeds the income of the 20% of the least affluent population by 4 times.

In the USA, Britain, Lithuania and Latvia this figure is 6-8 times, the first deputy head of Belstat reported.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Inflation
  2. Income

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