The ability to build any kind of relationship correctly is the most important skill in modern society.
Communication skills and a competent approach to interpersonal relationships are the components of success for a businessman and not only.
Properly built relationships with the environment help a person to exist harmoniously in society, to be its full part. This article will tell you how to build relationships correctly.
How to build relationships in a work team
Today, the rhythm of a person’s life is such that he spends most of his time at work.
Naturally, the process of communicating with superiors and colleagues will make up a significant percentage of working time.
How can we build working relationships in such a way that interpersonal conflicts and other troubles that interfere with the work process and distract from work do not arise?
Even if you have a closed character and do not like empty talk, you will have to find the strength to start openly communicating with your colleagues on various topics.
Unfriendly people are not tolerated in any group. Gloominess and irritability cause a hostile response from opponents.
And there will be no talk of any normal communication, even on purely business matters.
Don't try to immediately become close friends with the entire office: take a wait-and-see attitude for a while, take a closer look at the team, try to understand what your new colleagues breathe, what habits and traditions exist in their small environment.
The easiest way to start a full-fledged communication with colleagues is to choose a person you like from among them and try to start a dialogue with him.
Perhaps he will become your guide around the office and help you get to know the rest of the company's employees better.
Don't neglect corporate events - even if for some reason you don't like this kind of gathering, stay at the banquet or evening for a while, letting your colleagues know that you are not opposing the team, but rather supporting it in all its manifestations.
Relationships with colleagues and relationships with management are different things. But don't immediately think that we're talking about how to curry favor with your superiors for a raise or a high position.
The situation is the opposite: ingratiation and falsehood are categorically contraindicated in normal business communication.
According to psychologists, the head of an office, company, department or corporation is an authoritarian personality with great ambitions and a complex character.
This is not surprising: only a person with such qualities is capable of achieving a leadership position.
Therefore, you must remember the first “golden” rule of communication with your superiors: respect yourself.
Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the position, skillfully argue your position with reasonable arguments. Your boss will undoubtedly appreciate you as an employee.
Carry out the management's instructions as correctly and quickly as possible. However, do not forget that every task is different.
If your management's request offends your feelings or goes beyond the scope of business relations, don't be afraid to put your boss in his place by competently arguing your refusal.
Don't gossip about management or criticize your boss's decisions behind his back.
This behavior will not only ruin your relationship with your superiors, but will also make your colleagues think that you are a person who is prone to chatter and envy.
If you are against a company's policies, why do you work there?
This was a short instruction on how to properly build relationships in the work collective and with management.
The issue of building relationships is quite complex, as it requires individual consideration of each individual case.
Here we can only advise to be tolerant of people, learn to restrain your character and try to see colleagues not only as competitors for career growth, but also as friends. Good luck!
Earlier I told you how to get rich in one year.