You are deeply mistaken if you think that the size of your plates does not affect the process of losing weight!
In fact, this parameter is very important.
The wideness of the dishes used by a person losing weight determines how quickly he or she will lose excess weight.
Use only the smallest plates and you will find that you don't need that much food to feel full.
Even a small portion of food looks quite decent on such dishes.
And this optical illusion can be very helpful for a person losing weight.
You just need to put the prepared food on small plates.
Because of the apparent “largeness” of the portion, a person will most likely eat his fill.
As a result, you won’t have to eat too much food to get rid of the feeling of hunger.
This psychological trick really works: try it and you will most likely see its effectiveness.
But using a wide plate is a gross mistake. The portion will seem small, so the feeling of satiety will not come in time.
Previously, experts explained why strawberries should be eaten with cream.