How to hang a mirror in the house: folk beliefs and signs

13.05.2023 01:30

Mirrors are not only useful and beautiful interior items, but also mysterious and mystical.

Mirrors have many secrets and mysteries, which are told in folk signs and beliefs.

They are passed from mouth to mouth or written down in books. How to hang a mirror in the house correctly and what can happen if you break the rules?

Mirror opposite the front door

This placement is considered unfavorable because the mirror reflects all the energy that comes into the house through the door. This can lead to loss of luck, prosperity and money.

Monkey Mirror
Photo: Pixabay

In addition, a mirror opposite the door can attract unwanted guests or even evil spirits. To avoid such consequences, it is better to hang the mirror on another wall or cover it with fabric or a screen.

Mirror in the bedroom

Opinions are divided here. Some believe that a mirror in the bedroom helps to strengthen love and passion between partners.
Others claim that a mirror in the bedroom disturbs peace and sleep, takes away energy and can cause infidelity.

According to popular belief, you can't sleep in front of a mirror or see your reflection in it with your eyes closed. This can lead to illness, nightmares, or even death. To avoid risks, it's best to hang the mirror so that it doesn't reflect the bed or sleeping people.

Mirror in the toilet

There is no clear answer here. On the one hand, a mirror in the toilet is convenient for hygiene procedures and self-care. On the other hand, a mirror in the toilet can reflect the negative energy that accumulates in this room.

According to popular belief, you should not look in the mirror in the toilet for a long time or in poor lighting. This can lead to health problems, self-esteem or even the evil eye. To avoid trouble, it is better to choose a small mirror and light the toilet well.

Mirror in general

A mirror is not only an interior item, but also a symbol of self-knowledge and self-development. A mirror helps a person see their strengths and weaknesses, their emotions and thoughts.

A mirror can also serve as a tool for magic and fortune telling. According to popular belief, a mirror can show the future, the past or parallel worlds. But for this you need to be careful and follow certain rules. For example, you can't look in the mirror by candlelight, at midnight or on holidays.

This can lead to contact with evil spirits or loss of soul. Also, you can't give a mirror without a special reason or accept such a gift from a stranger.

This may be a sign of ill will or damage. To avoid danger, it is better to buy a mirror yourself or get one from a loved one with good wishes.

So, mirrors are not simple things, but mysterious and multifaceted. There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with mirrors that are worth knowing and taking into account.

How to hang a mirror in the house correctly and what consequences can there be from an incorrect placement? Now you know the answers to these questions and can make your home more comfortable and safe.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Mirror in the bedroom
  2. Mirror in the toilet
  3. Mirror in general