The interior turned out too gloomy: what 3 tricks will help to fix the situation

19.04.2023 21:30

Many people like stylish interiors in dark colors, but such housing is not suitable for everyone.

If you "overdo" dark shades in your apartment, you can feel depressed and oppressed.

Therefore, it is worth knowing how to fix the situation.

What 3 tricks will help to "soften" a gloomy interior

Good lighting

An apartment decorated in dark tones may seem too gloomy in poor lighting, says designer Yulia Tychino , an expert at the online publication BelNovosti.

It is only necessary to think through several light scenarios, and the situation will change for the better.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Light textiles

If changing furniture and finishing materials is too expensive, you can always improve the atmosphere with textiles. So just hang lighter curtains, buy a spectacular blanket and don't forget about a bedspread.

Just a few additional details can change the interior beyond recognition.


Sometimes the interior seems gloomy not only because of the dominant shades chosen for the design, but also because the apartment lacks "soft" details.

For example, the atmosphere will quickly become more homely if you purchase wicker baskets, cute paintings or potted plants.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What 3 tricks will help to "soften" a gloomy interior
  2. Good lighting
  3. Light textiles
  4. Accessories