Why you can't eat buckwheat with eggs: it turns out that many people don't know about this ban

08.12.2024 16:13

The combination of buckwheat and eggs is fraught with health problems, nutritionists warn.

We'll tell you why buckwheat doesn't go well with eggs and what other foods you shouldn't eat it with.

Why you can't eat buckwheat with eggs

The soluble fibre contained in buckwheat slows down digestion and impairs the absorption of protein, which is rich in eggs.

Combining buckwheat with eggs can cause heaviness in the stomach and other digestive problems.

Also, nutrition experts advise against combining buckwheat with milk and tea.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Buckwheat cannot be combined with milk, since the phytic acid it contains prevents the absorption of calcium contained in milk.

If you like buckwheat with milk, soak the cereal before cooking: this reduces the phytic acid content.

It is not recommended to combine buckwheat with tea, because it contains tannins, which impair the absorption of iron from buckwheat.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor