Many housewives say goodbye to boiled eggs on the second day after they were prepared, arguing that they have become rotten and cannot be eaten.
But the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova, assures that this product is considered “long-lasting”.
Well, how could it be otherwise, if boiled eggs can be stored for up to six months?
True, only if you leave them inside the freezer.
This unexpected storage method can only be used for yolks – if you leave the whites in the freezer, they will lose their taste and nutritional value after defrosting.
Before freezing the yolks, peel them and carefully pack them in food containers.
When you need them, take them out of the freezer and use them to prepare appetizers, salads, first courses and homemade pates.
If you prefer more traditional methods, use the following rules when storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator.
After cooking, cool the product, wipe each egg to make it dry, wrap it, and then place it in cardboard trays.
You should not use plastic or glass containers to store eggs – they are not able to provide the product with adequate air circulation.