Chicken fillet is the basis of a healthy diet. This product contains a lot of protein and little fat.
At the same time, the product gives a long-lasting feeling of energy and helps you forget about the feeling of hunger.
But not everyone likes to cook such a product, believing that it is easy to overdry it. But if you remember this simple cooking method, you can forget about the problem.
First, you need to prepare the broth.
You need to put water with pieces of carrots, celery, and garlic on the fire.
You also need to add bay leaf, salt, ground pepper. It wouldn't hurt to add some greens.
Once the broth boils, you can keep it on the fire for another five minutes. Then you need to add small pieces of breast.
After boiling, keep the product on the fire for about 2-3 minutes under the lid.
Then turn off the fire. Leave the fillet in this broth for half an hour under the lid.
After this, you can try the dish.
Earlier we told you how to deliciously bake chicken with oranges.