How to cook couscous correctly: the whole secret is in the cookware

24.10.2023 09:16

The range of products in stores is constantly expanding, and you may have noticed bags of unfamiliar couscous on the shelves next to the usual buckwheat and rice.

First of all, let us note that the basis of the cereal, which resembles millet or fine pasta, is processed durum wheat. This product is famous not only for its excellent taste, but also for its health benefits.

How to cook couscous at home

Store-bought couscous is ready to eat, so all you need to do is pour boiling water over it, using equal amounts of grain and water.

You can do this in any deep dish. Don't forget to cover it with a lid, then leave the couscous for 5 minutes.

When time is up, use a fork to stir the grains to prevent lumps from forming.

Photo: Pixabay

Now a few words about the dishes that should be used for cooking. So, if we talk about eastern countries, then for cooking couscous they use a two-tier steamer, on the lower level of which they put meat (lamb, beef or chicken), and on the upper one they steam the cereal.

The prepared ingredients can be served either separately or mixed.

If you are going to cook a sweet dish from couscous, then use a saucepan with an elongated lid. It must be made of clay.

You won't often find such items in a regular kitchen, so you can use a regular saucepan and enamel saucepan to prepare couscous.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor