What to add to a saucepan when cooking rice to improve the taste and quality of the side dish: not all housewives know

26.09.2023 16:13

Some housewives cook rice in ordinary water, without thinking that the quality of the side dish can be improved with simple steps.

For example, during the cooking process it is enough to add a few additional components in order to significantly improve the dish.

What can be added when cooking rice

Lemon juice

Just one spoon of citrus juice will be enough to achieve the desired effect. As it turns out, this trick will help keep the cereal in shape.

As a result, you will not get a side dish that falls apart, but ideal, crumbly and delicious rice.


This spice is ideal for any rice dishes, so it is often used when preparing pilaf. Using saffron will help to prepare a luxurious dish with oriental notes instead of a regular side dish.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Jasmine tea

If you have gourmets in your family or you yourself like to treat yourself to high-quality and unusual food, then it’s time for culinary experiments.

Just one bag of good jasmine tea will help improve the taste and texture of a rice side dish. Jasmine drink can be replaced with classic green tea. The effect will also be quite interesting.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What can be added when cooking rice
  2. Lemon juice
  3. Saffron
  4. Jasmine tea