How to make fluffy and delicious pancakes: experienced housewives revealed 3 main secrets

25.09.2023 13:41

Ideal pancakes should be airy and melt in your mouth.

Their impeccable shape should also be pleasing to the eye.

Baked goods do not always turn out the way we want them to. Pancakes may turn out thin, not baked through, not rise, or have a mediocre taste.

In order to protect yourself from all possible shortcomings, it is worth paying attention to three simple rules.

What do they consist of?

Chicken eggs

Some housewives consider this component to be so safe and versatile that they don’t even monitor how much they add to the preparation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, it is important to understand that chicken eggs can ruin the pancakes. Do not add more than one chicken egg if you want to prepare a worthy treat.

Vegetable oil

Sometimes many people refuse to cook pancakes for one simple reason: the dish seems too fatty. This happens because the dough actively absorbs oil.

Not everyone will like this.

For this reason, it is better to add a spoonful of vegetable fat into the preparation itself.


To ensure the dough is of the highest quality, do not rush the preparation. Wait at least fifteen minutes before frying.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What do they consist of?
  2. Chicken eggs
  3. Vegetable oil
  4. Time