They can ruin a dish: what spices chefs do not recommend adding to soups

22.08.2023 17:00

Any experienced housewife will not cook soup without using spices, as the dish will seem too simple and banal.

Spices are meant to add aroma and a new flavor, and also make even an ordinary soup more elegant.

It is worth realizing that seasonings may be completely unnecessary in the recipe. Some options even spoil the soup.

What spices should you be careful with?

Hot spices

If you initially chose a spicy recipe, which requires a certain degree of spiciness, then feel free to add the necessary spices.

If you want to add hot pepper to a regular classic soup, then such a decision will be very questionable. Such experiments cannot be called successful.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Many housewives who have tried coriander for the first time mistakenly consider the spice to be universal. However, it is worth remembering the particularly strong taste and smell of coriander.

You won't be able to add any extra flavor to the dish.

Seasonings for soups

Many people find it convenient to buy special spice and herb mixes designed for a specific type of dish. But there is a high probability that you and the person who made the seasoning have different opinions about the taste and aroma of the first course.

Plus, you'll never know the exact proportions of the ingredients you're using, which will only make your task more difficult.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What spices should you be careful with?
  2. Hot spices
  3. Coriander
  4. Seasonings for soups