What can be added to bean soup for flavor: experienced housewives shared their secrets

29.07.2023 17:00

Bean soup is a nutritious and healthy dish, so it should be cooked periodically.

In order for the dish to be popular among family members, it is worth adding components that can improve its taste.

What do experienced housewives add to bean soup?

Bay leaf

This spice will make the broth richer and more aromatic. It is customary to add spice to almost all first courses, so bean soup should not be an exception.


All types of pepper are equally suitable for bean soup, from the usual black to cayenne. It all depends on the degree of piquancy you want to achieve.


This ingredient is not often included in dishes, although nutmeg will instantly make any soup more refined and noble.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Nutmeg is not added in large quantities. A couple of pinches will be quite enough.


This component should be added in ground form. The soup acquires a completely different sound. However, it is important to remember that coriander does not "get along" with nutmeg, so you will need to choose one of these spices.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What do experienced housewives add to bean soup?
  2. Bay leaf
  3. Pepper
  4. Nutmeg
  5. Coriander