Every housewife should know how to cook delicious cabbage soup, because it is one of the most ancient national dishes of Slavic cuisine.
Since the soup has a very rich history, this implies a large number of cooking options.
However, the taste can always be enhanced with a few tricks.
If you decide to opt for a meat version of the soup, then give preference to a whole piece of the product with a bone. Yes, this may increase the cooking time, but the result is definitely worth it.
As a result, the cabbage soup turns out rich and filling.
Experienced cooks know that cabbage soup will be tastier and of higher quality if you cook cabbage separately from the other ingredients.
Therefore, this secret is definitely worth taking note of.
If you like classic sour cabbage soup, use any available options to improve the taste. A great option would be to add a couple of spoons of quality tomato paste to the dish.
To make the cabbage soup more appetizing, it is worth giving it a thick texture. As a rule, a classic method is used for this - add fried wheat flour.
The most aromatic and delicious shchi is obtained by those housewives who do not forget to use the oven. When the soup is almost ready, it should be simmered for 60 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.