What to put in a pan with eggs so that the shells do not crack: not all housewives know

11.06.2023 20:21

Many people encounter the fact that during the cooking process the eggshell develops impressive cracks, which can complicate the cleaning process and even affect the final taste of the product.

Some people believe that this is a natural phenomenon.

Supporters of this version think it is reasonable that the thin shell does not withstand heat treatment and is destroyed. However, this does not mean that this problem cannot be avoided.

You will be surprised that the trick is simple, but not obvious.

What should you put in a pot of eggs to preserve the shells?

Many people believe that a spoonful of salt can protect against trouble. This method has been tested for years, but it does not always give the result you expect.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Sometimes even salt cannot protect the shell from cracking.

First of all, it is worth remembering that you should not send eggs from the refrigerator into boiling liquid: the water should be cold. But together with the product, you need to add one medium-sized lemon wedge to the pan with chicken eggs.

You will be surprised, but the shell will remain intact.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor