How to speed up the cooking of scrambled eggs: just add the right amount of salt to the dish

06.06.2023 06:20

It is difficult to find a hot dish that is simpler and quicker to prepare than scrambled eggs.

Fried eggs are a popular breakfast food for this very reason.

But many people want to make frying eggs an even faster process.

And such a desire is quite understandable: in the morning hours, before the start of the working day, there is usually very little time.

Therefore, you have to hurry and simplify the preparation of an already simple dish.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Just don't try to turn up the heat on the stove: the eggs may burn, and the whites will remain runny.

You need to act differently. Namely, use salt correctly.

How to salt a dish

As soon as the cook has broken the egg into the frying pan, the white that is still transparent must be immediately salted.

Moreover, the emphasis should be placed on the part that is located next to the yolk.

The edges of the fried egg can be left unsalted. The yellow part of the dish does not need to be salted either.

But if the required portion of the protein is covered with sodium chloride, the scrambled eggs will be cooked very quickly.

And the edges of the protein will have time to fry properly without any additives.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor