Boiling eggs is very easy. But removing the shell can be quite difficult.
Every cook wants the hard shell to literally slide off the protein.
But usually the opposite happens: it seems as if the shell has merged with the soft white part.
As a result, when cleaning, some protein is removed along with the hard outer layer.
The finished dish takes on an unpleasant appearance. The surface is clearly not the smoothest.
Luckily, the hard outer layer "sticking" to the edible part of the egg can be easily avoided with one secret ingredient.
Usually, the saucepan where the eggs are boiled contains the product itself, as well as plain water.
But it is advisable to turn the latter into a weak soda solution.
To do this, add one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to the boiling liquid.
Using baking soda when boiling eggs reduces the risk of the shell "sticking" to the white.
Most likely, the outer layer will come off quickly and with incredible ease.