Experienced housewives are in no hurry to get rid of the brine in canned food, but use it to prepare culinary masterpieces.
The brine from olives and olives is famous for its bright aroma, which emphasizes the taste of the dish.
A real find for housewives who are tired of classic options. The brine marinade will make your favorite steaks juicier and more flavorful.
Borscht, solyanka, rassolnik or any other similar dish will only benefit from such an addition.
However, it is better to use only olive brine, since the liquid from the olives can change the color of the dish. The fact is that some manufacturers color the olives.
The brine is added to the soup approximately 10 minutes before the dish is ready.
Vinaigrette or salad with canned tuna will become much tastier. Just a few spoons of brine will make the dish more refined.