What to Replace Mayonnaise With: The Best Dressings from Imaginative Housewives

07.03.2023 03:00

Store-bought mayonnaise is not nearly as harmless as its natural “ancestor”.

Modern sauces contain too many flavor enhancers, trans fats, synthetic emulsifiers and preservatives. That's why people try to replace this sauce with a healthier one, not only because of its high calorie content.

The housewives approached the issue with imagination and came up with a large number of replacement options. Some of them are almost identical in taste to the usual mayonnaise, while others are completely different from it, which allows for a significant variety of dishes.

1. The simplest dressing is made by mixing sour cream, a little vegetable oil and mustard. You can add spices to taste. The trick is in the mustard, since the final taste of the dish depends on its strength.

2. Mix 2 boiled and mashed egg yolks with 1 cup of heavy cream. Add salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of French mustard or 1 teaspoon of regular mustard. This option is as close to the taste of classic mayonnaise as possible.

Photo: Pixabay

3. 2 handfuls of arugula leaves, 1 clove of garlic, 50-70 ml of vegetable oil and the kernels of 5-6 walnuts should be beaten in a blender until smooth. This sauce has a unique spicy-nutty taste with hints of garlic. Suitable for main courses, appetizers and even some salads.

4. Mix 250 g of thick sour cream with 2 tablespoons of horseradish, half a teaspoon of dried garlic. Pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. This sauce is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise when served with hot meat dishes.

5. Blend 1 sweet and sour apple, a teaspoon of curry and 250 ml of plain yogurt (low-fat sour cream) until smooth.

6. This summer sauce has an original taste, it can be used for dressing salads or making sandwiches, served with meat. You will need to grate 2-3 cucumbers on a vegetable grater and squeeze out the juice. Add 200 g of cream sauce, 2-3 crushed cloves of garlic, 5-6 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or plain yogurt, finely chopped dill to the squeezed cucumbers. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

7. Separate a can (200 g) of canned beans from the liquid, add 70 ml of vegetable oil, half a lemon and a teaspoon of mustard. Add spices and salt to your taste. Beat everything with a blender until smooth.

You can come up with a substitute for mayonnaise yourself by experimenting with different ingredients. You can use sour cream, plain yogurt or cream cheese as a base.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor