Why pancakes don't bake: chefs named 3 mistakes housewives make

04.03.2023 19:29
Updated: 14.04.2023 11:33

If the pancakes don’t want to bake through, then it’s extremely difficult to fix the situation.

Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance what errors cause this unpleasant problem.

What shortcomings are usually associated with this?

Forgot about an important component

Rarely does a housewife cook pancakes with water, as it is believed that this version of the dish is not tasty and rich enough.

Therefore, kefir or sour cream are used as a base.

Not all housewives know that when cooking with dairy products it is extremely important to use baking powder or regular soda.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In this case, the pancakes will be baked through.

Didn't appreciate the consistency

You cannot cook pancakes if the dough is too watery. It is impossible to make tasty pancakes from such a preparation.

Therefore, it is always worth adding a little flour when the dough becomes too runny.

Heat treatment time

Pancakes, of course, cook quickly, but they need time to cook well. If you turn them over too early, they will not cook.

Therefore, do not rush during the frying process.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What shortcomings are usually associated with this?
  2. Forgot about an important component
  3. Didn't appreciate the consistency
  4. Heat treatment time