How to Cook Rice Properly: 4 Secrets to the Perfect Side Dish

24.02.2023 08:58
Updated: 14.04.2023 07:08

Even though rice porridge is considered a standard dish, it is not so easy to cook it correctly.

Any mistake made can result in a less than appetizing side dish.

To make the rice fragrant and crumbly, you need to follow a few simple culinary rules.

Otherwise, you will end up with a mess that gourmets are unlikely to be happy with.

Ratio of ingredients

If a cook decides to prepare white rice, then the following ratio of ingredients must be observed: one volume of cereal to two volumes of water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But for brown rice, a different formula is used, reports MOS SMI : for one volume of cereal - two and a half volumes of liquid.

The power of fire

At the first stage of cooking, the fire should be at maximum. This is necessary so that the water comes to a boil as quickly as possible.

As soon as the liquid starts to boil, the heat should be reduced to minimum and the pan should be covered with a lid.

Cooking on low heat is a guarantee that the grain will be cooked properly. We are talking about uniform cooking. There will be no overcooked or raw rice grains.

Do not lift the lid

When preparing a side dish, many amateur cooks feel the urge to remove the lid to check the degree of readiness of the dish.

This desire is quite understandable and explicable. However, it is advisable to abandon it.

The thing is that steam will escape from an open pan. As a result, you can forget about evenly cooking rice.

Action after the rice is cooked

Do not rush to transfer the cooked cereal to a plate. You need to remove the pan from the stove and leave the dishes "alone" for a few minutes.

This “rest” ensures that the porridge remains soft and “fluffier”.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Ratio of ingredients
  2. The power of fire
  3. Do not lift the lid
  4. Action after the rice is cooked