How to Make Popcorn So It's Really Tasty: Options for Those with a Sweet Tooth and for Those Who Love Salty Food

16.02.2023 14:03

Who doesn't enjoy spending an evening in front of the TV, popping delicious popcorn into their mouth?

The question, admittedly, is rhetorical. So if you also enjoy this pastime, we suggest making it even more enjoyable by upgrading a store-bought snack.

With the tips below, you can make two types of popcorn - cheese and marshmallow.

To enjoy a cheese-flavored snack, you will need a pack of popcorn and 50 g of any hard cheese, cut into thin slices.

Simply spread the cheese pieces over a bowl of popcorn and microwave until the cheese melts, then stir.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For those who like a sweet snack, you will need 50 g of marshmallows and 50 g of butter per pack of popcorn. For sweetness, you can add another 50 g of sugar.

Melt marshmallows with butter and, if desired, sugar in the microwave.

Pour the resulting mixture over the popcorn and mix well. The specified amount of ingredients can be changed at your discretion.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources