Squid is not only a tasty, but also a very healthy seafood product.
However, not all housewives are in a hurry to buy squid carcasses in the store to prepare a hearty dinner.
More often than not, their impulse is stopped by the realization that the squid needs to be cleaned.
Fortunately, you can cope with this task in no time, and simple water will help you with this.
So, fill the pot with water and put it on the fire. As soon as the liquid boils, throw in the unpeeled seafood.
Don't forget: the whole time the squid is in the pot, you need to stir it. The boiling water will cause the "skin" to curl up, and after just a couple of stirs you will see that the squid has become absolutely clean.
The main thing in this exciting action is not to overcook the squid. The whole process should take a few seconds.
To stop the cooking process, remove the squid with a slotted spoon and place in a bowl filled with cold water.
This will make the squid clean on the outside, so all that's left to do is clean it on the inside.
Drain the water and remove the chord and any remaining entrails from the inside – this method is suitable for stuffed squid or those that will be stored in the freezer.
If you plan to prepare a salad and will boil the squid, it will be much more convenient to clean them by cutting them lengthwise.
In the same way, get rid of the chord and the remains of the entrails. All that remains is to rinse them under running water and you can proceed to further cooking.