Why a child does not play with toys: reasons and what to do about it

30.01.2025 12:08

Modern children are rarely seen playing with toys or actively playing in the yard. But the problem is not only in gadgets.

There are many more reasons and many parents are simply not ready to admit them.

According to experts, when developing independence in children, parents should think about the fact that children should learn to play.

What is the reason?

1. The most unexpected reason for many adults. Children simply do not understand how it is possible to play with toys by themselves.

At first, they need help, come up with scenarios, stories, take an active part, tell and show.

Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Another unexpected reason is interference in children's games.

For example, when an adult starts to prove that a locomotive only runs on rails, and that cars cannot fly, and so on.

This discourages the child from inventing anything on his own.

3. An abundance of toys can also have a negative impact.

A lack of toys encourages the development of imagination, while an abundance of toys makes it difficult to focus on what is there.

In such a situation, a child cannot figure it out without the help of his parents.

What to do about it

Firstly, you shouldn’t expect your child to play with the toys that mom or dad liked.

Secondly, do not refuse children's requests to play with them, even if you only have 5-10 minutes at your disposal.

During this time, you can get them interested in the game, and let them come up with the ending themselves.

Thirdly, the atmosphere in which the game will take place is also important.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account safety requirements, comfort, and attention.

And in order for a child to learn to entertain himself, parents do not need to surround him with overprotection and come up with new entertainment for every day.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What is the reason?
  2. What to do about it