There are a number of reasons why a child may bite their nails or chew the skin around their nails.
In such cases, parents threaten to smear their fingers with mustard, but the problem does not go further than that.
Experts say that all of this is a sign of anxiety, stress or another emotional problem.
1. Children may do this because of sleep problems. They may be haunted by some fears or anxiety that causes them to wake up at night.
2. Another reason is emotional instability, which is also evidenced by mood swings.
3. Conflicts that arise in the family also affect the emotional state of the child.
Then the habit of biting his nails helps him relieve stress.
4. Worries about poor performance at school and bullying can also trigger the development of a habit.
First, parents must understand the reason for the possible occurrence of the habit and eliminate it.
Secondly, you can calmly talk to your child about what is bothering him, worrying him, or what he is most afraid of.
Thirdly, if you have managed to figure out the reason, then in order to eliminate the habit, come up with an activity for the child with which he will switch his attention.
In difficult situations, you need to seek help from a doctor or psychologist.