What style of raising a child should parents choose: it turns out there are three models

20.01.2025 13:03

There are three models of raising children, which many parents do not even suspect.

After reading them, someone will recognize themselves in the description. In this case, it will be useful to know what consequences they will have to face in the future.

According to experts, parenting styles can be free, repressive, and authoritative.

Free style

There is no need to explain for long. Parents accept everything that their child can surprise them with.

There is no interference on their part, but don’t rush to clap your hands – this is the worst-case scenario.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The point is that children should feel guided by others, and parents should dominate, but not exploit the child.

Despite the fact that there is a high level of care and warmth in the relationship, and the parents are the children's first friends, there are still some drawbacks.

Problems with discipline and self-control arise, and children at school and in adult life experience difficulties when faced with the need to comply with rules and restrictions.

Repressive education

It is also authoritarian. Usually children in such families grow up without their own opinion and rarely strive for anything.

Parents decide everything for them, subordinating their children’s lives to their will and desires.

It is clear that in the future such children will not achieve anything with their work, or will soon break off communication with their parents.

Authoritative education

It is this model that psychologists recommend paying attention to.

It falls between the free and authoritative parenting styles.

Parents are in a position of authority, which is only possible with certain experience and knowledge.

At the same time, the child’s feelings are taken into account depending on age, and children are not only not prohibited from expressing their emotions, but are taught and helped to do so.

The relationship between children and parents is warm, but there is a high level of control.

Parents show the necessary care for the child, support him, and the child himself strives to develop the best traits of the father or mother.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Free style
  2. Repressive education
  3. Authoritative education