There are traits that are passed on to a child only from the father or only from the mother.
We tell you what a child inherits from his father and what from his mother.
The sex of the future child depends on the father. The child always gets an X chromosome from the mother, and either an X chromosome from the father (it will be a girl) or a Y chromosome (it will be a boy).
Moreover, if a man has many sisters, he will have more daughters; if he has many brothers, he will have more sons.
Because the Y chromosome has fewer genes than the X chromosome, boys look more like their mother.
Girls receive X chromosomes from both parents, so their appearance cannot be predicted.
Jaw structure and tooth shape/size can be passed on from either the father or the mother, but paternal genes dominate.
If the father visits the dentist frequently, then the child will also be a frequent visitor to dental clinics.
As for intelligence, the genes responsible for it are located on the X chromosome.
Therefore, sons receive mental abilities from their mothers, daughters from both parents.
The tendency to be overweight/thin is passed on approximately equally from both parents.
But the height of a child depends more on the father than on the mother. At the same time, not all children of the same parents have the same height: as a rule, the older ones are taller than the younger ones.