What a boy should do around the house: be sure to assign these 4 duties to your son

13.12.2024 03:30

Both daughters and sons need to be taught to do household chores.

Many people mistakenly believe that only girls should be taught how to wash dishes and clean their rooms.

Actually, boys should do things like this too.

And the sooner your son starts doing this, the more independent a person he will become.

Don't want your heir to remain helpless in everyday life? Then assign him 5 household duties!

Photo: © Belnovosti

Garbage removal

Let your son be the one taking out the full garbage bags.

The task is not difficult. At the same time, the child becomes more disciplined, responsible and strives for cleanliness.

Washing dishes

Teach your boy to wash the dishes he ate from.

Later, the child can be assigned to wash pots and pans.


Teach your boy to cook the simplest dishes. Believe me, this skill will come in handy for your son more than once in life.


There is nothing wrong with teaching a boy early on to do men's work around the house.

A father may well entrust his teenage son with the simplest tasks: hammering nails, tightening nuts, etc.

Of course, first the father should explain to the child how to do everything. It is also necessary to remember about observing safety rules.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Garbage removal
  2. Washing dishes
  3. Cooking
  4. Repair