The reasons for parental overprotection are named: do not interfere with children's lives

04.02.2025 15:55

Parental overprotection does not give a child anything good. But no one forces adults to adopt this model of upbringing.

Psychologists believe that this is an individual choice of each person, caused by not the healthiest reasons.

Researchers believe that the reasons for parental overprotection are the difficulties they have experienced.

Reasons for overprotection

It has been proven that such families rarely produce children who achieve serious success in adulthood.

They are dependent, lack initiative, but the worst thing is that the closest people are to blame for all these negative moments.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To understand the problem, you need to understand the causes.

1. This model of upbringing is often used by people who lacked parental love in childhood or had to deal with misunderstanding in the family.

2. The next reason is a high level of anxiety.

In particular, this may be done by people who have experienced military action, hunger, poverty, and other social upheavals.

3. It happens that parents want to raise an ideal child in order to consider themselves the best parent.

4. Parents may also be afraid that in old age they will be left without attention from their children, and they may also believe that their children owe them something.

5. And one more reason is the fear of being seen as a loser parent in the eyes of the child.

What should parents do?

At the slightest suspicion, you need to analyze your past and ask yourself: does the child need what you think is important?

It is quite possible that behind the screen of your desires you have long since stopped seeing the desires of the child and his best sides.

If you don’t think about your behavior in time, you can ruin the life of both yourself and your child.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Reasons for overprotection
  2. What should parents do?