How to mentally prepare a child for school: a scientific approach

16.08.2024 08:04

The end of summer holidays will not be a real drama for a child if parents take care of it in advance.

Moms and dads need to treat the first of September as a serious test for the child's psyche. The beginning of the school year is accompanied by anxiety, excitement, shyness.

Here's what foreign experts from the University of Bridgewater advise in this case. The answer was published by The Conversation.

First, parents need to focus on activities that reduce anxiety.

This could be a walk or any other activity outside the home that does not involve strict rules.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This way you can tear your child away from electronic devices and at the same time get rid of negative emotions and anxiety.

Secondly, there is a link between the use of gadgets and high levels of anxiety in children.

As experts note, today there is sufficient evidence that the active use of digital devices increases the level of anxiety in children.

Therefore, parents need to think about alternative activities for their children.

Family events are best suited for this purpose.

They increase emotional connection and build trust. Try family dinners and board games in the evenings.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor